Full Name *
E-Mail *
Telephone (including country code) *
Dates, number of days, you wish to travel
Destination(s) wanted : France (Canal, River, or nearest village, town or city) or other countries? Please list in order of importance the 3 destinations of most interest
Number of participants:
Number & age of children under 18 :
Mobility : describe any difficulties among passengers, this will help us determine the most suitable cruise
What is most important for you?
Smaller boats (usually between 10 to 24 passengers, max 50)
Larger boats (more than 50 passengers, usually more than 100)
Select activities you would like to do during your journey on the waterways (max 3)?
Sports (excursions by bike, hiking)
Gastronomy & Oenology
History & Heritage Sites (Unesco, castles, cathedrals ...)
1 + 4 = ? Please prove that you are human by solving the equation *